Remington Model 1100 Serial Number Lookup

  1. Remington Model 1100 Shotgun Serial Number Lookup
  2. Remington 514 Date Codes
Remington Model 1100 Serial Number LookupGuns

Remington 1100 Serial Numbers. Dec 11, 2011 Model 1100 serial numbers (on the receiver) started with the number 1001. All but the early guns also have a prefix letter. All Model 1100 Remington shotguns were serial numbered in blocks of numbers. Each serial number has a suffix and the following indicates the meaning: V = 12ga. Modern Remington barrels are stamped with a Date/Code, which denotes when it was made. Remington Year of Manufacture Codes maybe found on the barrel of your Remington shotgun, on the left side, just forward of the receiver. The first letter of the Code is the month of manufacture, followed by one or two letters which are the year of manufacture.

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Remington Model 1100 Shotgun Serial Number Lookup

Remington model 1100 shotgun serial number lookup

When you purchase a Remington firearm, such as a Remington 870 shotgun, it will contain a serial number or barrel number on it. This number will allow you to lookup when your Remington firearm was manufactured. Don’t worry because the serial numbers are not a long series of numbers that you’ll end up forgetting. In fact, Remington uses a two-letter coding system for their serial numbers. These two letters are usually stamped on the barrel of the weapon for you to see clearly if you simply try to look for it.

You can also locate the serial number on the rifle's receiver and request an age approximation by emailing Remington support. A serial number is printed on the receiver of each Remington rifle or shotgun, provided it's a newer model. Serial numbers were not a requirement until 1968, so older firearms may not have serial numbers.

Since the letters are a code, you probably aren’t going to know what they mean merely by looking at them. Fortunately, you can find out what your Remington weapon’s code means by downloading the free Remington Serial/Barrel Number Lookup app for the Android operating system. If you have an Android mobile phone or tablet, go to the Google Play store and search for this app. After you find it, download it onto your device and then run the app. All you have to do then is just type in your two-letter code into the search box and it will tell you the date that your Remington firearm was manufactured. The date is listed in month and year format.

Do not confuse the two-letter code on your barrel with the serial number that is on your receiver. The serial number is actually something different than the two-letter code on the barrel. The difference has to do with what each number identifies. The actual serial number on the receiver is used to identify the owner of that particular weapon. Whenever you purchase and register a firearm, the serial number is associated with your name and address. That way, if a crime is ever committed with your weapon and the police find it, they’ll be able to trace it back to you as the registered owner.

However, you won’t be using that serial number with the Remington Serial/Barrel Number Lookup app because that number won’t tell you the month and year it was manufactured. The two-letter code on the barrel is part of a special coding system designed by Remington to identify the manufacturing dates of all their shotguns and rifles. Now if for some reason you don’t have an Android device, you can still go to to find a decoder chart for their coding system. Just look up the two letters of your Remington weapon on that chart and it will tell you what year it corresponds to.

More information and download:

Or you can always use Remington Serial/Barrel Number Lookup online.

Remington 514 Date Codes


Posts: 11
Joined: Sat Feb 08, 2014 8:09 pm
Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:26 am
Hello All
Have looked around and finally taken the plunge to join have to say I am new to Remington Shotguns...Have a lot of Browning's but I just picked up my first Remington 1100 used and I need some help so I figure go to those who know.
As stated it is a 1100 20 Gauge serial number 149XX1X it has a non vent rib modified barrel, A release trigger, Wood is in good shape bluing is about 85% no pitting barrel is straight.
So I guess my first question would be what year was she made, Are parts ie: Barrels, Triggers etc. available for what ever model this is I have read that there is a 20 gauge LT & LW can't figure out what this one is.
The guy I bought her from shot trap with her and she wears a Pachmayer trap recoil pad. That is about all I can figure out. I paid $325.00 for her she shoots great but I would like to get a different barrel (Mirages sucked) and loose the release trigger (Just not my thing)
Thank You in advance for any information that you guys/gals could provide to this Remington Newbie.